After weeks of voting, you can give Otis and his new mate a proper welcome.

The City of Kitchener has announced the name of Otis the swan’s new female companion: Ophelia.

There was a clear ‘O’ theme for the final names, with four of the names beginning with the letter: Ophelia, Odette, Olivia and Olive. The final contender, fittingly for the park she lives in, was Victoria.

Otis had been single since 2012 when his previous mate died. Then, at the beginning of the month, he grabbed headlines when he came to town with a new muse.

Since she was a new addition to the Victoria Park lake, the city turned to the public in an effort to name her.

On April 29, they made the announcement.

Shortly after the pair’s arrival, a third swan, a trumpeter, also decided to move into the park. While that ruffled Otis’ feathers initially, it was nothing compared to what happened next.

Days later, six more trumpeter swans moved into the park, marking an increase from one swan to nine in just four seasons.

Then, this past weekend, the trumpeter swans disappeared. It's not clear if they're gone for good or if they just left for a flight around the city.