The City of Woodstock is trying to being more jobs to the city.

Negotiations are under way for Woodstock to acquire land from Norwich Township.

Woodstock mayor Trevor Birtch won’t provide any details, but says potential employers are seriously looking at the city as a place to set up shop.

 So the city needs more land, and fast.

“There has been a lot of interest from some large players on some great opportunities that definitely would benefit our entire region,” Birtch said.

In order for it to happen the municipality needs to secure more land and has put forth a proposal to annex just under 1,500 acres from Norwich Township.

The land the city hops to acquire is south of the Toyota plant, surrounding Highways 401 and 403.

Birtch says a decision needs to happen fast.

“My fear would be that if this does not happen those opportunities would go to another jurisdiction completely - south of the border rather than here in Ontario.”

A public meeting on the proposed boundary change is scheduled for June 29.

Ninety-one properties would be affected.

If the annexation is successful, a portion of taxes received from any new developments would be shared with Norwich Township.

With reporting by Krista Simpson.