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Seniors demand climate action in communities across Canada


Senior activists across Canada are rallying as part of a national call to address climate change.

Protests, parades and education sessions were held on Tuesday in more than 70 communities, and also coincided with National Seniors Day.

In Guelph, Ont., participants started their demonstration with a march to city hall.

“We believe that seniors can have that oomph, and that time and energy, to make a difference and to really push our politicians and also demonstrate to our younger people that we care,” said John Lawson.

Event organizers are from a group called Seniors For Climate Action Now (SCAN). Their goal, they said, is to push elected officials to stop supporting fossil fuels and other high-emitting sectors, to save the environment.

“That requires political action on the part of the federal government, the provincial government and municipal governments,” said Lawson. “That has to happen.”

In Kitchener, Ont., a group gathered downtown for an information session on the importance of climate action.

“The floods and the fires, the landslides and the storms, those aren't going to become less often and they are not going to become less severe,” said Kim Charlesworth. “They are going to become more. So we need we need bold climate action and we need it soon.”

It isn’t just seniors on board – SCAN is hoping everyone gets on board with their message. The group said it’s imperative to make a change now for the generations to come.

“Looking at how we insulate our homes or how we use thermostat, things like that, to just take action as individuals and build that sort of collective movement towards a better future,” explained Kyra Chisholm from Climate Action Waterloo-Region.

Change starts not by just lobbying elected officials and making more conscious choices when it comes to how energy is used in your home, but also through dietary choices.

“A transition off beef production, into food production that is more sustainable and less carbon intensive,” Charlesworth said.

Organizers also suggest contacting banks and insurance companies you’re affiliated with to ask them to stop investing in fossil fuel infrastructure.

This was a first-time event for many communities, but organizers said it won’t be the last. They’ll keep fighting until the call for bold climate action is answered. Top Stories

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