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Cambridge group files for injunction to stop Amazon warehouse

A sign in protest of a proposed MZO in the village of Blair. (Heather Senoran/CTV Kitchener) (Nov. 24, 2021) A sign in protest of a proposed MZO in the village of Blair. (Heather Senoran/CTV Kitchener) (Nov. 24, 2021)

Blair Engaged, a Cambridge residents group fighting to stop the development of an Amazon warehouse, has filed for an injunction.

“This dramatic legal action is necessary because the City of Cambridge, the developer Broccolini, and Amazon management continue to refuse to respond to the legitimate concerns of Cambridge residents,” said Blair Engaged in a news release.

Last month, Amazon confirmed it would be building a new fulfilment centre in the village of Blair. It’s expected to open in 2025.

The company said the one-million-square-foot warehouse will create more than 1,000 jobs.

Blair Engaged has been fighting the controversial project for more than a year citing concerns about the environment, along with traffic and noise.

"Residents should not have to take their municipal council to court in order to be heard,” said Ryan Tremblay with Blair Engaged. "We proposed site plan alterations to the City of Cambridge that would address community concerns, on multiple occasions, including recently, but Mayor McGarry continues to refuse speaking with us. It's frustrating that the only way for local residents to engage with their political representatives is by filing a lawsuit."

In August 2021, the government issued a Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) for the warehouse, after it was endorsed by the City of Cambridge.

In September 2022, after Amazon confirmed its plans, Blair Engaged told CTV News the group was granted a judicial review scheduled for February 2023.

"This is not an isolated incident. Cambridge council has a track record of ignoring residents," said Julie Hacking with Blair Engaged. “Cambridge council continues to approve controversial projects throughout the city without listening to community concerns.” Top Stories

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