KITCHENER -- A solidarity rally was the latest show of support for Ukraine from the Kitchener community.

Roughly 300 people came out to Victoria Park Saturday, with many sharing their fears for their families still in Ukraine.

"I cannot just stay calm," said organizer Michael Doroshenko, who came to Canada about eight years ago. "I cannot stay silent while I am here, so I am trying to do what I can to help Ukraine in any way possible."

Many urged people to donate to support Ukraine and contact their government representatives to do whatever they can.

"Today was the first day I slept in the last three days, my family is hiding in basement," one person in attendance said. "My father, my grandmother who is 75 years old, hiding in a basement where it's winter and it's cold now.

"My emotions are overwhelming. It's very important to support Ukraine, not just with prayers or thoughts, it is important to do so with action."

Another in attendance said that, while some of his family have been able to get to safety, his parents and grandparents remain at risk.

"I'm really scared," he said. "I don't want to panic, I want to help my country and my family and my friends who are there in any capacity possible. The only way I can do it right now is to make sure I raise international awareness."

One woman says she has family in both Russia and Ukraine and that seeing people come together in Kitchener is meaningful.

"Not all Russian people support Putin's regime and support this invasion," she said. "The most important thing for me, I can see that people still share empathy, can be emotional, but can be together, even being from different countries, and still try to find a way together they can help each other and support."

Doroshenko adds that he was grateful so many came out to stand side by side.

"It's heartwarming for me because it makes me feel like we're not alone in this world," he said. "We're not fighting alone, we have the support of the people."

Another rally will be held Sunday afternoon at the same location in Victoria Park.