Fire crews were called to a Kitchener apartment building late Thursday night after residents reported a strong smell.

The complaints were coming from the top floors of a 19th storey building on Wilson Avenue.

Residents on the 18th floor say the smell was so strong it irritated their throat and nose.

“We just started to cough and it was really heard to breathe,” says Mladen  Jokic. “As if somebody sprayed pepper spray. So we went out on the balcony and we heard people on the balcony below coughing. So we went out into the hallway and the hallway was really bad. We grabbed a towel and came downstairs.”

While some evacuated the building, others stayed indoors.

“There was an announcement over the P.A. that if we were in medical distress to call 911 but not to leave our units.”

Residents were put on Grand River Transit buses to keep warm while crews searched the building and units.

They were unable to track down the source of the smell.

Firefighters believe it was an isolated incident and the smell dissipated on its own.

No one was taken to hospital.

After an hour residents were told they could return to their apartments.