WATERLOO -- Two students from University of Waterloo have been awarded one of Canada’s highest academic honours.

Psychology PhD student Harrison Oakes and Masters of Environmental Studies graduate Joanne Marie Fitzgibbons will both be receiving Governor General’s Gold Medals.

Oakes is being recognized for his research on identity suspicion highlighting social environments that stigmatize concealable identities like mental illness or being gay.

According to a Friday news release from UW, the research demonstrates that people in homophobic environments will even hide stereotypical straight interests in order to not have their sexual identity questioned by their peers.

Oakes says he draws inspiration from his own experiences of homophobic bullying when conducting his award-winning research and advocating for anti-bullying curriculum in schools.

Fitzgibbons is being recognized for her master’s thesis exploring how urban planning for sustainable cities can be more equitable.

Her findings suggest urban planners can build these sustainable cities in a more inclusive way when city planners consistently consider redistribution and participate in early stages.

The Governor’s Gold Medal is annually awarded to students from secondary to graduate levels who achieve the highest level of academic scholarship.