Shooting threats to a Kitchener high school have sparked a Waterloo Regional Police investigation.
An anonymous post on social media directed at Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute said: “I’m shooting up the school on September 10th.”
On Sept. 10, a police presence could be seen at the high school.
"Some classes are empty," said student Aleyab Mulugeta. "Students just chose not to come to school."
Other students say they didn't take the threat seriously.
"We actually laugh and joke about it," said student Beau Gelfand. "It's another school shooting threat. Welcome to Cameron four days in.
"I trust in my school and in the cops that they always do take the threat seriously even though the students know it's a fake joke."
School officials say they don't believe the threat is credible, but protocls like a critical events response team and extra officers were still put in place.
“It doesn’t really matter what the intention of the post was,” said Cnst. Andre Johnson of WRPS. “We take every threat very seriously, we will investigate it, and the appropriate criminal charges will be laid.”
Students say they saw the Instagram post on Friday, alerted staff, who then called WRPS.
Officials alerted the media and students on Monday about what was written.
“We are working with our police partners to ensure a safe environment for all our students and staff,” said Alana Russell of Waterloo Region District School Board.
Police and school officials say there was controlled entry into the school on Tuesday.
The person who posed the message could face a charge of uttering a threat to cause bodily harm or death.
Anyone with information is being asked to come forward.