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Plan for former Stratford factory calls for 382 residential units and 10-storey tower


A massive redevelopment plan could bring new life to a former furniture factory in Stratford.

The project, if approved by city council, would see 382 residential units spread out over eleven buildings on the site.

The proposal seeks to restore the three existing Krug industrial building and add eight more.

The seven-acre parcel of land sits between Douro Street, Trinity Street and King Street.

According to the site planner, the Krug site offers a lot of opportunities.

“There is a lot of open space left on the site that can be better used, and its located just one kilometer away from downtown,” Hanna Domagala, director of land development and design with The BMI Group, explained.

Domagala said they are not just designing buildings, but an entire community.

“We are looking to bring together and build a complete community, so this is really unique not only in Stratford but in KW and Toronto.”

The land is currently zoned for industrial use and the developer is seeking to change that classification to residential. The plan also includes a 10-storey tower, considerably taller than what is currently allowed.

“Our residential zones, the way they're structured now maxes out at six storeys, so the height increase for this property to 10 storeys is something new for Stratford,” explained Adam Betteridge, director of planning for the City of Stratford.

The proposal has drawn some criticism from residents, mostly over the size of the tower and overall scope of the project.

“It exceeds all the other buildings in the city and its 382 [residential units] on the property,” said Sharon Collingwood, a Stratford resident and member of the community group Get Concerned Stratford. “That is a lot of people. The people who have written me about it have said this is far too big for our neighborhood.”

She hopes council and the developer are open to hearing from residents.

“There are a lot of things that we could do that would make it even better, so listen to the people about what it will do to the neighborhood,” Collingwood added.

Domagala, on behalf of The BMI Group, said they’re committed to making 10 per cent of the development affordable housing.

The public was set to weigh in on proposal on Tuesday, but the city council meeting didn't quite go as planned. Top Stories

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