St. Mary’s resident Nicole Taylor is getting ready to welcome Ukrainian refugees into her home.

“I thought ‘what better thing [is there] for me to do than accept a family,’” Taylor told CTV News.

“You feel it’s so unfair and so cruel and I thought ‘how can I help?’”

Taylor is working with the Multicultural Association of Perth Huron, which is gearing up to welcome an anticipated 90 Ukrainian refugees to the area.

Gezahgn Wordofa, the association’s founder, has a personal connection to the country.

“I used to live in Ukraine,” he said. “I went to school there in Kyiv. For me, it’s very sad, it makes my cry. I just wanted to do something with the community.”

Gezahgn Wordofa

Although the association hasn’t received word on when the Ukrainians will arrive, the group is collecting donations of medical supplies, food, clothing, toys and hygiene products to give them when they do.

“We are very excited to see them,” said Wordofa. “And we are ready to see them.”

Wordofa said when Ukrainians land in the region, a place to live, food, clothes and job opportunities will be waiting for them.

Nicole Taylor

“The refugees that are coming are coming with work permits,” said Wordofa. “And a lot of factories in the area will open up.”

Taylor says refugees can stay at her home as long as they need.

“I know you can’t take all the pain away,” she said. “But at least they feel safe and comfortable and well fed and loved.”