The Salvation Army’s annual coat drive is in its third and final week – and this year, it’s having more trouble than ever keeping up with supply.

“We had lots of our coats go out in the very first week. We are just desperate for new deliveries to come in,” Major Miriam Stevens of the Salvation Army Kitchener tells CTV News.

Volunteers say the program gave out 800 to 1,000 coats in its first week alone.

Winter coats and footwear for both men and women are among the most desired items this year.

“It’s a necessity for – not necessarily the needy, but people who are having tough times. It helps them if they can get a coat for free,” says Elsie Foster, who has volunteered with the program for 12 years.

Foster says she’s seen fewer donations this year, although she’s holding out hope that just as many jackets are being donated, even if not to the Salvation Army.

“I know there’s lots of churches and other organizations that are doing a coat handout,” she says.

In Cambridge, the numbers are even worse.

There’s been plenty of demand, but only 75 coats and a few pairs of snow pants have made their way into the facility.

“We need coats, and snow pants – especially for children,” says Major Jo-Anne Gilbert.