Members of the Royal Canadian Legion in Hespeler are cleaning up after someone vandalised their building.
Sometime Friday night vandals entered the building and tagged the men’s washroom.
The first vice president of the Hespeler Legion Branch 272, Harry Boomer said they decided to host a dance that night, in conjunction with the Hespeler reunion.
“It’s not fair for a volunteer group to have to come in and do excess work for vandalism, “ said Boomer.
When members arrived Saturday morning for the Ladies Auxillary breakfast, they came across the graffiti.
“We had about 300 people here and most of them were really disappointed to hear and see the results on the walls in the washroom."
The markings have now been painted over.
Vandals deface washroom at Hespeler Legion Branch 272
CTV Kitchener
Published Sunday, July 10, 2016 8:19PM EDT
Published Sunday, July 10, 2016 8:19PM EDT
Sometime Friday night vandals tagged the bathroom at Hespeler Legion Branch 272 July 10, 2016