CAMBRIDGE -- Roundabouts have become a fixture for drivers in Waterloo Region, but concerns over them have been revisited after plans to add another one near a Cambridge high school are in the works.
Regional councillor Sean Strickland is against putting a roundabout at Franklin Boulevard and Saginaw Parkway near St.Benedict Catholic Secondary School.
In emails to CTV News, Cambridge's Ward 8 councillor Nicholas Ermeta also said he's adamantly opposed a roundabout near the high school. He says it will create havoc for pedestrians and people with disabilities.
The catholic school board said having a roundabout near a school is not ideal and it certainly wouldn't be the school board's preference to have a second one adjacent to a school.
But the roundabout option remains as the region tries to figure out ways to make its worst ranked roads safer.
Homer Watson Boulevard and Block Line Road, where there is a roundabout near St. Mary's High School, is ranked as the worst intersection in the region when it comes to crashes, according to the region's annual collision report.
Strickland says the region will look at the intersection more closely for improvement.
He expects to receive a report with suggestions next month.