A Kitchener neighbourhood is concerned after a vicious dog attack last week.

A 4-year-old dog was killed by a Great Dane, during a walk with her owner Panh Vang.

Community members say they are worried for their pets as well as families.

The incident happened on Joshua Street in Kitchener, where a memorial for Lulu has now been set up.

“All of a sudden I like, hear screaming and I look up and then I just saw her two dogs like charging at us,” said Vang.

Vang says she tried to shield Lulu, but it was too late, stating her dog was ripped from her arms.

“The Great Dane had her in his mouth, and he was like, shaking her and then it was pretty much over from there,” said Vang.

The memorial for Lulu sits on Raf Wyszynski’s property, where she was killed.

He says his wife witnessed the attack.

“She called me screaming, crying, saying there's a dog fight and I immediately thought it was our dogs, but she said there's a dog fight on our property and one of the dogs died. It was just 'oh my god, are you serious?', and of course right away I thought, right across the street,” said Wyszynski.

"It's not fair for people in this neighbourhood to live in fear of a dog that... it's not a one-time incident," he said.

The Dane’s owner Courtney Delaat spoke with CTV News via telephone and says her dog, Sampson, was provoked.

“Yeah, I mean, the dog was barking and my dog ran up, and yeah attacked the dog,” said Delaat.

The Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society has issued charges against Delaat and a $365 fine for the attack.

Both of Delaat’s dogs have been designated. The Great Dane as a dangerous dog and her Bernese Mountain dog as potentially dangerous, according to James LaFlamme of the Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society.

Delaat says she is going to appeal, citing Sampson is a good dog and that she believes he would never attack a person.