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Minto Fire Department forced to disband specialty rescue teams

A Minto firetruck. (Source: Minto Fire/Twitter) A Minto firetruck. (Source: Minto Fire/Twitter)

The Minto Fire Department in Wellington County has reluctantly paused its specialty rescue programs.

For nearly a decade, the volunteer fire department had teams responsible for water rescues and rescues in confined space – like manholes or silos.

The decision to disband the teams were discussed at a council meeting on Tuesday night.

"This is kind of some sad news," Chris Harrow, Minto’s fire chief and director of fire services, told council. "We, no longer, as the Minto Fire Department, offer water rescue or confined spaces services to our residents.”

Based on a new report, training requirements for either type of rescue in Ontario has changed significantly, and would put a serious strain on Minto's firefighters.

"It's just very, very difficult in this day and age for people to be able to dedicate endless hours of training," Harrow explained to CTV News.

It would result in about 160 hours of training, not including the approximately 40 hours of annual training to maintain certification, the staff report reads. Initial estimates for a new water rescue team are also well over $150,000 for equipment and training.

"The decision has been really hard on our firefighters," Harrow said.

The department has fewer than 10 volunteer firefighters. With the original certification and staff estimate, they would need to certify 40 of them to adequately offer those rescue services.

With the teams being disbanded, staff are proposing an agreement where Centre Wellington would provide water rescue services in Minto.

It's something Harrow says shouldn't impact response times much.

"There has been no time that we say, with the team here or not here, that we've had a rescue that wouldn't have been completed or was a matter of life and death," he said.

Minto firefighters, however, did use their water rescue team during significant flooding in 2017.

Options are still being considered for confined space rescues, and the closest option is the Guelph Fire Department.

As for any cost savings, there will be some.

"Obviously, by not having that equipment or pay[ing] for all that training, which can be very, very expensive, there will be savings there. But that was definitely not one of the deciding factors," Harrow said, adding council has always been fully supportive in that sense.

In terms of where the equipment will go, some will be stored at the Minto Fire Department until it's determined whether a neighbouring department could benefit from it.

Other equipment is nearing its expiration date and will be disposed of.

Ultimately, the team said the difficult decision comes down to resources and the extensive training requirements.

But, Harrow reiterates, they are still committed to keeping the community safe. Top Stories

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