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Milton, Ont. man charged with groping teen girl

Sleim Basta in an undated photo provided by the Halton Regional Police Service. Sleim Basta in an undated photo provided by the Halton Regional Police Service.

Halton police believe there may be more victims of a Milton, Ont. man, who’s already accused of groping a 15-year-old.

Sleim Basta, 70, was charged with sexual assault, sexual interference and invitation to sexual touching on Tuesday.

He allegedly approached a teen girl, who was walking her dog on a pathway near Child’s Drive and Ledwith Drive, on May 31. Police said he began by engaging the 15-year-old in conversation, before grabbing her and then forcefully kissing her multiple times on the cheek without her consent.

The girl was not physically hurt.

The suspect was described as between 70 and 80-years-old, with tanned skin, short spikey grey or silver hair, bushy grey eyebrows and a mole on his left cheek. The media release also indicated that he had a noticeable limp and spoke with an Italian accent.

Basta was charged on June 23 and is being held in custody until his bail hearing.

Police shared a photo of Basta on Tuesday. They “believe there may be additional victims,” though the release did not specify why they believe there’s a cause for concern.

Investigators are urging anyone with information on Basta, especially anyone who has been victimized, to contact their Child Abuse and Sexual Assault Unit at 1-905-825-4777, ext. 8970. Anonymous tips can also be reported to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or Top Stories

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