When temporary water lines were installed at hundreds of homes in Guelph, the people using those lines were told to keep a tap running.

With more cold weather in the forecast, city officials are issuing another reminder that running a cold water tap may prevent the temporary lines from freezing.

“We don’t think we’ll see more city pipes freeze, but the temporary lines between properties might,” Peter Busatto, the city’s water services manager, said in a press release.

Specifically, it’s suggested that affected residents leave a stream about the width of a pencil running through the day from a cold water pipe, then increase the flow overnight until temperatures rise above freezing.

That may not be enough to prevent freezing if below-zero temperatures persist for several days, city officials say, and people with temporary lines may want to keep an emergency store of water on hand in case of freezing.

As of Wednesday, there were 257 households and businesses in Guelph with temporary lines set up due to frozen pipes.