How do you solve a problem like the Cooper Lands?

That was the question on everyone’s mind Monday night at a public meeting discussing the future of the Stratford industrial site.

Ideas for the site ranged from a garden to a railway museum to leveling the building entirely.

“It’s just bad memories, it should be torn down,” said Stratford resident Garry Brodhagen.

“It’s just an eyesore.”

But not everyone agrees with Brodhagen’s assessment of the former train repair facility.

Lorne Bolton was one of a group wanting to preserve the building. He suggested converting it into condos with solar panels.

“You’re getting the best of both worlds – you’re getting the power and you're getting the light,” he told CTV.

It’s not just the future of the land that’s causing some controversy in Stratford – it’s also the ownership.

Former owner Lawrence Ryan claims the city owes him $25 million in additional compensation for the site.

The matter is currently before the Ontario Municipal Board.

Ryan also appeared at Monday night’s public meeting, sharing his thoughts on the future of the Cooper Lands.

“Reusing what is standing and structurally sound saves money,” he said.

The City of Stratford has hired a consultant to go over the various possibilities discussed for the site.

“We’ve tried to give as exhaustive a list as possible so we can consider all the options with the site,” she said.

A report and suggestion will be given to city councillors in September.