Voting day is on Monday, and while past federal elections haven't seen great voter turnout, many are hoping it will be different this time around.

Reg Kirby spent another chilly day on the corner of King and Erb Streets in Waterloo on Friday, reminding people to exercise their right at the ballot box.

Kirby says "I'm trying to encourage people to vote for whatever party they choose. My sign says I'm here for the democracy of Canada."

There is also a message for those who decide not to vote come election day. Joanne Smith says "If you don't vote you don't have the right to complain."

Members of the K-W Civitan Club are also putting up signs trying to encourage residents to vote.

Wally Wolff, president-elect of the K-W Civitan Club, says "Our creed puts a special emphasis on the building of good citizenship and that's why we feel very strongly about voting and getting involved in the community."

And the message seems to be getting through to voters in Waterloo Region, with many people saying they will make their voices heard.

Residents Susan and George MacGregor says "I'm voting, of course I'm voting. We always vote, sometimes we win, sometimes we don't."

"I think it's important to exercise because you can influence how your country works," Ester Carr says.

But Brittney Skanes says she won't be voting this time around, "I'm not because I'm not really sure who to vote for and I'm not ready to get to politics just yet."

So while the majority of residents say they will be casting their ballots, the push is still on to encourage those who are unsure.

Ignatieff returns to Waterloo Region

While the push to vote is on, the party leaders are making their final stops in vote rich Ontario.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper made a second stop in Waterloo and visited St. Jacobs on Thursday.

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff makes his return visit Friday night appearing at a rally at Bingemans in Kitchener.

NDP Leader Jack Layton was in Waterloo Region at the end of March, among the first of the party leaders to visit the area.