Between just before 8 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. Monday, Grey County OPP officers were called to 15 separate collisions involving vehicles and deer.

While nobody was injured in any of the collisions, police say they should serve as a reminder that deer are present on the roads of southern Ontario.

Deer are more likely to be crossing roads and highways at this time of year, as it is their mating season.

Police say deer-related collisions are most common around sunrise and after sunset, but can occur at any time of day.

They say drivers who encounter deal should slow down and use one long blast of their horn to frighten the deer into moving out of the vehicle’s path, and never try to swerve around the animals.

Grey County encompasses a 4,500-square-kilometre section of midwestern Ontario, including such communities as Owen Sound, Meaford, Flesherton and Hanover.