According to Friday’s dashboard update from the Region of Waterloo, there were no new COVID-related deaths in Waterloo region reported in the last week.

This is the first time since the week of May 8 the region has recorded zero fatalities related to COVID-19. At the time, the region was reporting 415 cumulative deaths to date relating to COVID-19.

Public health said it is common for a death to be reported outside of the week the death actually occurred, so the numbers should be interpreted with some caution.

The region has now had a total of 450 COVID-19 deaths, and so far this year, there has been 132 deaths related to the illness.

According to data from the Region of Waterloo, this is the fourth weekly update of 2022 that has had zero recorded deaths.

Last week’s update showed six new COVID-related deaths.

The region saw the number of active cases drop by 87 to 398.

In total, the region has reported 50,167 cases of COVID-19 to date, with the dashboard showing 368 of those cases added in the last week.

The number of active outbreaks in high-risk settings increased to 26 from 25.

The dashboard shows 18 outbreaks are in long-term care or retirement homes, two outbreaks in a hospital and six in congregate settings – a category that includes shelters, group homes and correctional facilities.

The seven day moving average per cent positivity decreased to 16 per cent.