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Waterloo hockey players return home after helping Team Canada get bronze


After an historic performance at the 2024 U18 Women's Hockey Championship in Switzerland, Caitlin Kraemer and Abby Stonehouse have returned home to Waterloo.

The pair played on the same line and helped Canada win bronze, which was the country's 16th straight medal finish.

"It was so great to have a familiar face around," said Kraemer. "It's a pretty great experience. I'm grateful I got the opportunity to go there."

The pair combined for 21 points in just 12 games.

"The team was great and we really bonded together," said Stonehouse. "Obviously we wanted to win gold, but at the end of the day we left with a medal, which always sounds good."

Kraemer was able to pass Marie Phillip-Poulin as Canada's all-time leading goal scorer at the U18 level.

"I just wanted to play whatever role the team needed me to play," said Kraemer. "Whether that was cheering on the bench or out on the ice. I just wanted to be a team player."

Now back in Waterloo, the two have their eye on a deep playoff run for the Ravens.

"I'm still hoping to get a chance to play with the national team," said Stonehouse. "My end goal is to make the Olympics one year."

However, the two have left the door open for another return to Team Canada.

"The big goal is definitely Olympics," said Kramer. "But that will definitely take some time still."

The two will play one last year with the Ravens before leaving for the NCAA. Stonehouse has committed to Penn State, while Kraemer is heading to Minnesota Duluth.

"Take it day by day, see where that gets me, and work my hardest day by day," said Stonehouse. "I think doing that will get me to places that I want to be."

When it comes to joining the recently announced PWHL, the two are open to going pro too.

"That is a really big dream of ours," said Kraemer. "It's great that the women there have made that dream possible for us." Top Stories

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