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Teens asked to take part in new alcohol survey


Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health has launched an online survey to learn more about people’s experiences with alcohol.

“I really want to understand, across our community, across age groups and across demographics, what people’s attitudes are, so we can really address attitudes and speak with people about alcohol in a way that resonates,” explained Dr. Matthew Tenenbaum, the associate medical officer of health for WDG Public Health.

The agency said those experiences and perceptions could shape future health initiatives.

While the survey is open to those 16 and older, they particularly want to hear from teens.

“What we’re concerned about is just better understanding whether or not people are using it early in life, forming patterns that may persist as they grow older,” Tenenbaum said. “Because sometimes the habits you adopt for the course of your life are set early on.”

Public health said the survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and everyone who participates will be entered to win a $100 gift card. Top Stories

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