Council is set to lay out new regulations that would allow ride-sharing programs to operate in Waterloo Region.

Traditional taxi companies felt they were not on an equal playing field compared to ride-sharing drivers and wanted a new by-law to even things out.

Recommendations from a review were passed Wednesday night, and will now be included in the new taxi by-law that is due in August.

However, council deferred the section about requiring cameras in traditional taxis, saying they want more legal guidance before approving the guidelines.

The new rules will allow the region to make sure all drivers have proper licensing, registration and adequate insurance for ride-sharing drivers, while maintaining the safety of riders.

“Our priority throughout the process was to ensure passenger safety and consumer protection. The recommendations for the new by-law will provide you with a safe ride regardless of the method you choose.” said Kris Fletcher, Regional Clerk and Director of Council Services.

A final draft of the by-law won’t be ready until August, with implementation set for October 1, 2016.