Waterloo Regional police are warning the public after at least five incidents in Cambridge where people have been the target of thefts while shopping.

According to police, in each case a female suspect has approached a female victim in a large grocery or department store and asked them for assistance to find an item or read a label.

While the victim is distracted, their wallet is stolen and the credit and debit cards are then used to make purchases.

Waterloo Regional Police Staff Sgt. Dave Mathes says "Police service recommends that people keep close guard of their personal items while shopping, specifically women and their purses. Make sure they're not left open, make sure that they're closed securely and that they keep them on their person rather than leaving them in the shopping cart."

The same suspect is believed to have been involved in all of the incidents.

Security video released by police shows one incident at a Cambridge grocery store, in which the suspect places a jacket over a woman's purse, steals the wallet inside and then walks away.

The victim in another case, which occurred the same day, was approached by a suspect asking for help to find barbecue sauce.

The victim does not want to be identified, but says the suspect kept trying to distract her. "‘Oh, you see over there, over there.' She tried keeping me busy...take time, and I wanted to help her," she says.

It wasn't until she reached the checkout that she realized her wallet, complete with cash and cards, was gone.

And by then the thieves had already racked up $1,000 on her Mastercard. Fortunately, she was reimbursed for what was lost.

Anyone with information on these incidents is asked to contact detectives at 519-653-7700 Ext. 2262 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.