City staff have officially launched a strategic plan to keep making Kitchener innovative and vibrant.

It was standing room only on Friday morning when Mayor Berry Vrbanovic rolled out the four-year plan.

The plan has been over a year in the making, through consultations with residents, councillors, advisory committees and other key stakeholders.

Its focus is five pillars and 25 actions on how to reach specific goals when it comes to customer service, people-friendly transportation, environmental leadership, caring community and vibrant economy.

One of the actions that the city has committed to taking is putting at least one city-owned property on the market in the next year.

"The city owns a lot of land downtown and across the city, and so one of the things we are going to do over the next four years is develop master plans to bring those lands to market," explains chief administrator Dan Chapman.

"A great example is the Bramm Street land down in the heart of the innovation district by the transit hub: there's a huge potential there to support the economy by redeveloping those lands."

Which property that will be, though, is still up in the air.

Vrbanovic says the goal is to ensure a strong, sustainable city for future generations.