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Kitchener comic book store starts a new run after 35 years in business


The owner of the Lookin' For Heroes comic book store is celebrating 35 years in business.

John Brenner opened Lookin’ For Heroes in Kitchener, a name suggested by his mother, on Sept. 5, 1989.

“I always hoped that it would be something that I would do for the rest of my life. And it's turned out that way,” Brenner said.

An avid comic collector, Brenner started selling comics from his large personal collection in 1979. Realizing he could turn his passion into a career, Brenner went on to open the store ten years later. The store moved units at one time but has always been along Ontario St.

John Brenner sits inside the original Lookin' For Heroes store in Kitchener in 1989.

Brenner said business has been consistent over the years, but they’ve had to adapt to what’s popular in the industry. He said the growth of the city has also resulted in a growth in customers.

“We've become more of a bookstore. We used to be kind of a specialty shop that there was a community of people that were into comics. Now it's a lot more mainstream. So we see just everybody and the graphic novel has become a big part of the store,” John Brenner said.

Now Brenner is looking to turn the page and is passing the business on to his son Jacob.

“If I can get a photo locking up the door in 35 years, I'll be more than happy to,” Jacob Brenner, a manager at Lookin’ For Heroes said.

The store is about a year and a half older than Jacob, so it’s always been in his life. He started earning an allowance working at the store when he was just 10-years-old, but said he knew it was his future.

Owner John Brenner and son Jacob Brenner stand inside the Lookin' For Heroes store in Kitchener on Sept. 6, 2024. (Colton Wien/CTV News)

“[I] tried some other stuff, wanted to try auto co-ops and stuff like that. But I always knew this was kind of going to bring me back,” Jacob Brenner said.

“I get to talk about Batman and hockey all day. So it's pretty great. The people that come in here are awesome,” Jacob said.

The Brenners say unlike other industries that have transitioned to mainly online sales, comic fans prefer to visit a physical store. Loyal customers often just want to talk comics or flush out their pull list by requesting certain titles be brought in. Customers like Dave Monteith try to come into the shop about once a month.

“Well, for the comics. I've been coming here since about 1989,” Monteith said.

Other employees don't seem eager to leave either. Alex Phillips is in charge of inventory and some marketing at the store. He started at the store in high school, helped out through college, and ultimately pursued a different career. But when the stores long time manager Duane Messner passed away last year, Phillips came back to help.

“I basically quit my other job to do this because it's just something that I've loved for years. And initially I was just coming in to help out. And then once I was here, I was like, ‘Man, I really missed this,’” Phillips said.

Phillips said he loves the industry, but it’s the interactions with customers that make his day.

“Every day I wake up looking forward to coming in and just dealing with people,” Phillips said.

Now with a strong team for the future, John knows his store is in good hands.

“When you have a store, you’re here seven days a week, you're always doing this. So I'm having the opportunity now to kind of ease back and let these guys have fun with this place, because I have for 35 years,” Brenner said. Top Stories

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