Pianos have been placed along sidewalks and outside storefronts in downtown Guelph. Now they just need someone to play them – and that’s where you come in.

The goal is to bring people together and fill the streets with music.

Montana Woolford Browne with the Downtown Guelph Business Association says the project has been three years in the making.

“Ian Findlay just had a piano outside of his store Thomas Video on Baker Street,” she says. “He had people walking by playing the piano; he had people writing on it … it just became a community thing.”

Since then, the project has grown from eight pianos to eleven.

Members of the public are invited to strike a few notes or even put on an impromptu performance for a crowd.

The pianos are open to play from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.; at the end of the day, shop owners come outside and tuck the pianos away for the night.

The instruments will be in place until the end of September.