Kitchener has started the process of removing the fish from Victoria Park Lake, ahead of the dredging and construction that is expected to start in November.

Crews hired by the city are taking desirable native and non-invasive species of fish out of the lake and relocating them to Marden Pond. 

Melissa Ryan, a design and construction project manager with the City of Kitchener, describes the electrofishing method.

"What they do is shock the fish, it just sort of stuns them, it doesn't kill them, and they collect them in nets and bring them into buckets."

Invasive and non-native species are being are being humanely euthanized according to Ministry of Natural Resources requirements.

Next month, the process to improve water quality in the lake and manage ongoing sediment build up will begin and by spring the construction is expected to be complete and the lake re-filled with water.

Over the past 15 years, more than 60,000 tonnes of sediment have reportedly built up. By dredging and deepening the lake, the flow of water is expected to improve.

The construction at the park is also temporarily closing The Boathouse, a well-liked live music venue in the city.