Each candidate was asked to submit a biography and answer three questions. Below is the response from the Freedom Party of Ontario candidate for Kitchener-Waterloo, David Driver.

Why should the constituents of Kitchener-Waterloo vote for you?

This by-election, the constituents of Kitchener-Waterloo have a choice to make. They can support the status quo, or they can choose to support a smaller party with great aspirations for all Ontarians. Alberta and Quebec have a tendency to support newer parties when it becomes clear that the established parties represent themselves rather than the people. Ontario should consider doing the same.

If you are elected as MPP, what will your top two priorities be?

If elected as an MPP, my main priority will be to promote a political standard that is both philosophically sound and ethical. The Freedom Party of Ontario is a fiscally conservative party, but without the social conservatism. How many people tell others that they are fiscally conservative but socially liberal? We are that party. We believe that individual freedom reigns supreme. Therefore, we don’t care whether you’re black, white, gay, straight, male or female. We are rational beings and we refuse to discriminate.

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing Ontarians?

The biggest problem facing Ontario today is that our freedoms are being eliminated via the “death by a thousand cuts” method. Like a parent watching their child grow up, they don’t see the day-to-day changes, but the changes are there. Ontarians must stand up for our freedoms. We are not children and should not be treated as such. Individuals are capable of managing their personal lives and the government is not the solution to every problem. Government must be there to protect individual rights and freedoms, not erode them.