If you’ve ever held off making a social media post over fears about what your coworkers might think about it, you’re not alone.

In fact, a new survey says, you’re in the majority.

The survey was conducted by Kitchener-based Igloo Software and involved a poll of more than 1,000 workers.

It found that 68 per cent of surveyed workers said they had connected with their coworkers via social media, primarily on Facebook. Millennials were more likely than older generations to have made those connections.

While some people who work together are also linking their social media accounts, the survey made it clear that there is a limit to these connections and some people who are not welcome.

Twenty-seven per cent of respondents said they add all their coworkers, instead of being more selective, while 10 per cent reported adding their manager.

Survey respondents also expressed caution about how their posts will be perceived by coworkers, with 55 per cent saying they decided against making a certain post because they knew a coworker might see it.