KITCHENER -- The Brantford Police Service announced Tuesday that the COVID-19 outbreak at the police station had been declared over.

In a new release at the end of December, Brantford police said that three people who worked in support roles--not on the front line--had tested positive.

On Jan. 5, the police service announced in a news release that the outbreak was declared over on Jan. 3.

The infected employees last worked on Dec. 18, according to officials, and all areas where they would have been received a deep clean. Contact tracing and other public health measures also took place.

Due to the outbreak, Brantford police adjusted their non-emergency services, asking the public not to go to the Elgin Street station unless in they were in an emergency situation.

Non-emergency services like background checks, record checks, or freedom-of-information requests can be completed at or by calling the station at 519-756-0113. Non-emergency crimes like property damage under $5,000 and theft from vehicles can also be reported online.

Additional COVID-19 screening will be done over the phone before officers are dispatched, according to police. Officers may also be wearing additional PPE like gloves or masks.