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COVID-19 assessment clinics in Guelph and Stratford close today


More COVID-19 assessment clinics are closing due to a decrease in demand.

Clinics in Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph and Huron-Perth officially shut their doors today.

The clinic in Waterloo region closed last week.

Public health is directing people in need of assessment to the traditional resources available for people who are ill – urgent care clinics, family doctors and pharmacies.

"Anyone that needs a COVID assessment should reach out to their family doctor and if they need a COVID swab, their family physician can do an assessment or they can go to a local pharmacy that provides the swabbing," Lori Merner, director of patient care for the Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance, said.

Dr. Sharon Bal said after a week without the COVID clinic, they have not seen much of a change.

“Primary care offices are often the place where we navigate the system, we might see an uptick though for those who are familiar with the system,” Dr. Sal said.

Dr. Bal said it’s time to shift to a new model and she suggests people use the healthcare resources where they are needed.

“it makes sense for people to go back to the hospitals and in the community If that’s where we are needed more,” Dr. Bal said. “When respiratory viruses were really high and we were dealing with the winter and so much stress with on health and human resources, we really wanted to take the pressure off community clinics and the emergency department but at the end of the day now where we are, it probably is appropriate to bring it back to the community.”


Kitchener pharmacist Vishal Acharya said pharmacies have not been given much direction from public health on how they can assist their efforts but she said she’s happy to help.

“Pharmacists have been stepping up since this whole pandemic started, so it’s just another thing we can help out with,” said Acharya with Lancaster Wellness Pharmacy.

Acharya said patients should always call ahead before coming in to avoid the spread of airborne illness.

“I think most patients are now aware not to go out if they have symptoms,” she said. Top Stories


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