Local taxi companies say they’re moving ahead with plans to install cameras in their vehicles.

In Guelph, Red Top Taxi owners met Tuesday night and voted in favour of adding cameras to their fleet in the near future.

The meeting was scheduled before a driver for the company was charged with two counts of sexual assault, a company spokesperson said, and thus was not a direct response to that incident.

In Waterloo Region, movement in the direction of mandatory cameras began last year, partially in response to a number of similar allegations.

Waterloo Taxi president Peter Neufeld says cameras have arrived for all 91 of the company’s vehicles, and will be installed in the coming weeks.

He says the cameras – which cost Waterloo Taxi nearly $100,00 – will benefit not only passengers, but also drivers.

“In cases of physically assault or robbery, this will help. It gives them a little more peace of mind … especially at night,” he told CTV News.