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Brantford approves $200K feasibility study for new OHL-sized arena


The City of Brantford has taken another step forward in attempting to keep the Brantford Bulldogs in the city permanently.

On Tuesday, council unanimously approved funding a feasibility study for a new sports and entertainment complex with an arena that would seat at least 5,000 people.

“We get one kick of the can at this and to be able to do it in a fashion that’s going to be able to not just give us an arena, but an entire entertainment district sector is going to be a huge opportunity for us,” Councillor Gino Caputo said.

The study, which comes with a $200,000 price tag, will look at possible locations, designs and how to pay for it.

The move comes as the city plays host to the Hamilton Bulldogs for at least the next three years.

"This is a very good investment for the city, in my opinion, and I think it should be supported unanimously just like the motion to bring the Bulldogs here was a unanimous vote,” Councillor Greg Martin said.

The feasibility study will be conducted by KKR Advisors Ltd., the same company previously retained by the city to help facilitate discussions with the Bulldogs Hockey Club to relocate to Brantford.

"We've been given a little bit of a gift horse here when we are referring to the bulldogs themselves, with Hamilton deciding not to tear down the arena until after the Grey Cup.,” Martin said. “So, if we want to actually look at keeping the Bulldogs and not looking to another venture, we need to do this properly, and in order to do this properly, we need to make use of the time that we've been granted". Top Stories

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