Born and raised in the riding of Brant, Dave Levac's passion for his community began long before the start of his political career. As a former educator, Dave was honoured to receive OECTA's Distinguished Teacher Award. His dedicated community service also earned him the Canada 125 Medal, the Queen's Jubilee Medal for service to the Community, and The Brantford Expositor's Citizen of the Year, among many other accolades.

Driven by his passion and commitment to his community, Dave was instrumental in changing the landscape of the riding of Brant since first elected to the legislature in 1999 by securing millions of dollars, and many community firsts along the way. During his last term in office, more than $262 million has been invested in Brant in the form of better education, improved health care, job creation, increased recreation for youth and overall infrastructure to name but a few areas impacted by Dave's leadership.

Dave was the first to work in partnership for a Tri-party sponsored Bill in the history of Ontario. He believes in working with all parties and levels of government to get the most opportunities for his riding that he calls home. It's more than just politics to Dave Levac.

Why should Ontarians vote for you?

I was born and raised in the riding of Brant and have a deep passion for the people that live within my community. I want to continue to serve my constituents to the best of my ability and believe that I have a strong record of accomplishments that speaks highly about the work that I have done on their behalf. While I have delivered a great deal to this community since first elected in 1999, there is more to do and I believe I am the best choice to take action for Brant. It's more than just politics to me – it's about our community; world class health care; superior education; job creation and more. On October 6th, make it more than just politics to you too.

If you are elected as an MPP by your constituents, what will your top two priorities be?

My top priority is to continue working hard on behalf of our riding for whatever opportunities and challenges come our way. In terms of the top two emerging issues, clearly creating more and better paying jobs is on the top of our list. I will continue to work with government policy and private sector to see this happen. The Liberal's Green Energy Act is just one of the major initiatives under way to make this happen.

Another priority for me is to help build a successful and caring community which includes good health care, superior education and great infrastructure that cares for our seniors, children, the disabled and especially those with mental health issues who often falls through the cracks. Together we can work with all levels to make it a better Brant for all.

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing Ontarians? 

The biggest challenge is building a liveable and caring community in partnership with all of the individuals, groups and organizations working together as one. We know that times are tough. That's why the Liberals are completing the most significant and comprehensive tax reform in decades. Large tax cuts for families and businesses among other initiatives will help create nearly 600,000 new jobs within ten years. I believe we can work toward the creation of a recession-proof economy which will include a strong, fair, efficient tax structure for all, while maintaining and protecting the social nets we have for those in need. It's time to put the political games behind us, roll up our sleeves and work together to make Ontario the best place to live, work and play and where no one is left behind.