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‘A system in chaos’: Waterloo region teachers unions want mask mandate back in schools


While the University of Waterloo extends its mask mandate, local teachers unions and some parents are pushing to do the same in elementary and high schools in Waterloo region.

Previously, the University of Waterloo had said face coverings would be required in all indoor settings until May 1. But the university has now extended its mask mandate for the “foreseeable future.”

“We’ve seen an increased number of students and employees who have had to miss school or work due to COVID-19,” said Nick Manning at the University of Waterloo. “That’s one of the data points we’ve considered when looking to continue our mask requirement.”

Wilfrid Laurier University and the University Of Guelph have committed to keeping their mask requirements until May 1.

Masks are not required in elementary or high schools.

Amelia Fischer, a Grade 7 student at Laurentian Public School in Kitchener said while most of her classmates go mask-free, she doesn’t.

“I have taken it off to see what it would feel like and I immediately put it back on because it’s so weird,” she explained.

Her mother said she feels more comfortable wearing a mask and is pleased her daughter feels the same, but admitted bringing the mandate back could be a challenge.

“Having to go back to masks, you’re going to get very angry parents and angry students,” said Fischer.


Jeff Pelich, president of the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO) in Waterloo Region said the mandate should not have been lifted in the first place.

“It really has created a system in chaos,” said Pelich. “It’s unfortunate that we are put in this position. If we had just wore masks all long it is unlikely we would have had this level of absence staff.”

Staffing shortages due to COVID-19 led a Catholic school in Cambridge to close earlier this week.

The union representing high school teachers said it hopes the province or public health brings back masks in schools.

“I think dropping the mask mandates was premature,” said Robert Gascho with the OSSTF. “At the moment, what is threatening keeping schools open is the number of people at home sick or isolating because of COVID and the lack of substitutes available to cover the absences.”


Both the Catholic and public boards said they are following provincial rules and will keep masking a choice.

“As COVID-19 cases rise across the province, we continue to face increased staffing challenges. We have created multiple layers of occasional staff to ensure the safety of our students and support the continuity of learning,” Estefanía Brandenstein with the Waterloo Region District School Board said in an email. “We continue to encourage staff and students to wear a mask but also to be kind to those who choose not to wear masks as directed by the CMOH [chief medical officer of health].”

“A lot of these children are asymptomatic but they can pass it to children or staff,” said Zahid Butt, epidemiologist at the University of Waterloo.

Butt said masks are a needed extra layer of protection.

“It’s transferred through droplets. It’s transferred through aerosol. And wearing a mask can stop that from happening,” Butt said. Top Stories

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