The Villages at the University of Waterloo, a unique new 192-bed long-term care facility by Schlegel Villages, has been approved by city councillors.

The new complex will be located on the northwest campus of the University of Waterloo (UW), and the long-term care facility is just the beginning.

Over a ten-year period, assisted and independent living facilities, as well as a primary care health centre will also be built.

When fully operational, it is expected to house more than 600 residents

The construction cost is estimated at around $130 million with $20-million in capital coming from the provincial government for the long-term care home.

Over 20 years, the total cost to build and operate the extensive facility is expected to hit $350 million.

Development involved re-zoning land near Fischer-Hallman Road and Laurelwood Drive for learning facilities for two post-secondary institutions.

The collaboration with UW and Conestoga College will allow area faculty, students and health-care providers to study seniors and use that information to better prepare for Canada’s aging population.

Nine research teams will look at how nutrition, geriatric medicine and spirituality all play a role in quality of life for seniors. Students can also get first-hand experience for their careers.

Mike Sharratt, president of the Schlegel University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging, says “It’s an opportunity for a living classroom and a living research environment and we’re really very excited about that.”

While integrating living and classroom facilities is a new concept, bringing students into retirement homes isn’t.

Construction of the first phase is expected to begin in late 2012 and be completed by spring 2014.