More than 20 residents of a Kitchener neighbourhood woke up Thursday morning to find that their vehicles had been vandalized while they slept.
Waterloo Regional Police spokesperson Alana Holtom says “approximately two dozen” vandalism cases have been reported, in the area around Lorne Avenue and Heiman Road.
April Clayton was one of the victims.
“(On) my car, the back tire was slashed, and I was keyed – the whole passenger side and part of the hood,” she said.
Many of the affected vehicles appeared to have been gouged with keys – including two which had swastika-shape designs left behind as a result.
Ilona Odd’s car was keyed, as was her neighbour’s.
She said she’d seem some cars that came out of the night even worse for wear.
“The keying’s bad enough, but then as you go down the street, there’s multiple tire slashings,” she said.
Police say they’ve yet to identify any suspects.
“We’re currently looking for more information as to who was responsible for this,” Holtom said.
The spree came to an end sometime after 3:15 a.m., when a man in the area saw somebody slashing tires and called 911.