Big changes are coming to the edges of Waterloo’s Uptown West neighbourhood.
The area, which is bordered by Westmount Road, Erb Street, King Street and Union Boulevard, is seeing development and intensification, with high-rises popping up on its borders.
That has residents on quieter streets in the middle of Uptown West concerned about increases in traffic, which could lead some drivers to their doorsteps as they serach for alternate routes.
In response to those concerns, the city has been working on a transportation plan – an attempt to find a solution to potential future traffic wores.
“There isn’t a problem today, but there may be as traffic intensifies around the neighbourhood,” says Phil Hewitson, Waterloo’s director of capital projects.
A variety of options are being considered by the city, largely because most of those surveyed so far have had differing opinions about the best solution.
“Some people would prefer to do nothing. Other people want more extreme measures,” says Hewitson.
“That’s what we’re up against – not everybody will be in agreement.”
Among the proposed solutions are conversions to one-way streets, stop signs, raised crosswalks and potentially traffic circles – although Hewitson says the city wants any changes to be accommodated without having to acquire any property to expand the roads in the neighbourhood.
A public open house regarding the issue was to be held Tuesday night.