Smokers in Waterloo Region may soon be prohibited from lighting up in even more outdoor areas.

An expanded open-space smoking bylaw is still in the early stages, but if it’s passed, the region’s no-puff zone would include playgrounds and sports fields.

“Everyone recognizes the importance of the health component, and therefore are very much in favour of getting that endorsement from their councils,” says Jim Bowman, director of Community Programming and Outreach Services with the City of Waterloo.

Indeed, the initiative has widespread support: all of the region’s cities and townships are in the process of passing motions endorsing the idea.

As for the region itself, the Department of Public Health agrees toughening-up smoking bylaws should be a top priority.

“It’s not just about telling people not to smoke, but it’s creating the kind of supportive environments where smoking isn’t the norm,” says Sharlene Sedgwick Walsh, director of Public Health with Waterloo Region.

Right now, smoking is prohibited in the region’s outdoor bleacher areas.

But many politicians would like to see the bylaw expanded to include areas where kids play.

“We want to create those environments where it’s not something children see every day, and so there’s less chance they’re going to want to smoke,” says Sedgwick Walsh.

Of course, not everyone in the region is on board with the idea.

“Oh you’re smoking in front of my kids, I don’t like it, blah, blah, blah,” says Todd Willson. “Tell your kid not to look.”

The issue is expected to move to the regional level for approval sometime in 2014.