The Region of Waterloo has made a $200,000 commitment to save turtles from being killed while crossing a busy rural road.

The city plans to build special culverts and fencing along Roseville Road in North Dumfries, which has been flagged as a popular place for the turtles to cross.

Roseville Road intersects with Barrie’s Lake, a common place for painted and snapping turtles to nest.

Two years ago a biological study found a solution to stop turtles from getting hit by traffic, and Tuesday regional council unanimously approved the plan to install wildlife tunnels and new directional fencing at two priority locations along Roseville Road.

“We have tried many different ways. We tried special breeding areas, but they didn’t use them because there was a lot of gravel. This will stop them from going over the road. It is another way we are preserving the environment,” said regional councilor Jane Mitchell.

The project will cost about $200,000 and construction is set to begin in 2019.