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London-Toronto GO Train service ends, leaving Stratford with fewer options


A two-year pilot project that saw GO train service from London to Toronto ends today, leaving communities like Stratford with limited public transit options.

The project first rolled into Stratford in 2021. It also served communities like St. Marys.

Stratford’s mayor said it was good while it lasted.

“We know especially since COVID, that hybrid work is a thing and people may need to go into Toronto a couple of days a week for work,” said Mayor Martin Ritsma.

He said the GO train helped many communities and believes improving rail service is the end goal but in the meantime they need to look at other options.

"The student piece, the college university students that are part of our community, I looked at tourism, not only Stratford Festival but as we move into the shoulder season with all that's offered with Destination Stratford," said Ritsma. 


The transportation director in Stratford, Mike Mosley, believes another pilot project, PC Connect, could help fill the GO train gap.

PC Connect is a service that provides transportation throughout Perth County. Users can hop on a PC Connect bus, to get where they are going.

“Basically, the service connects the City of Stratford with other towns like St. Marys or Listowel and also London, Ontario, and Kitchener-Waterloo,” said Mosley.

The current schedule can get people to and from K-W but not in time to catch the morning GO train.

“What we're looking at is to advocate for more of a frequent service so that we can make better connections with a service that's already established,” said Mosely.

Mosely said, with more funding, it would be seamless to add additional frequency to the existing service, meaning those who were hopping on a GO train, can step on a PC Connect bus instead. Top Stories

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