There's one Halloween display in Stratford that's not looking to scare.

The skeletons of Vivian Line have been looking to put a smile on children's faces for nine years.

Vivian Line resident Melissa McKerlie says the idea began more than a decade ago when her son asked to buy skeleton decorations.

"It just took off," said McKerlie. "One day I made the mistake of putting them in the front yard and this is what happened.

"We've never had any repeats with our displays. Some years we would do 21-24 different displays, set it up in the morning, take it down at night, and the skeletons would do something completely different the next day."

The 2022 skeletons are dressed up as pirates on the high seas, ET phoning home, or a couple of moviegoers.

"I love seeing all the different ideas that they have every single year, because every year is always different," said Grace Court.

The theme for the display in 2022 is centered around farming in partnership with the Dairy Farmers of Ontario.

This is all about having fun and all about showing kids that Halloween is a very creative holiday," said McKerlie.

The skeletons are also raising money for Operation Smile in hopes of providing supports and safe procedures to children living with untreated cleft conditions in low income countries.

"There have been over 325,000 surgeries performed," said Candy Keillor, community engagement specialist for Operation Smile. "In the next decade we have the goal of improving a million patients and giving these children the opportunity that they deserve."

In four years, the partnership has raised more than $60,000 and nearly $6,500 has been collected in 2022.

"It just warms my bones," said McKerlie. "We want the skeletons to make you laugh every single day. We come full circle because we're raising money for Operation Smile, for kids who are unable to laugh and smile."

McKerlie says she already has ideas for next year's display.

"I'm not going to share anything," said McKerlie. "We never real our secrets."

The skeletons can be seen on Vivian Line throughout Halloween night before going back into hiding.