Guelph city council has voted to replace the Niska Road Bridge with a new two lane crossing.

The decision was made after more than six hours of debate at a special council meeting Thursday night. The proposed $5.2 million plan includes road widening, on street parking and a sidewalk.

“Replacement or removal of the Niska Bridge cannot be delayed for several years and that’s because of the poor condition of the bridge. Minor repairs to extend the life of the bridge are not possible,” said Kealy Dedman, City of Guelph engineer.

22 delegates spoke in favour of keeping the one-lane wooden bridge, saying they feared increased traffic and were concerned for the environment.

Council approved the new plan in a nine to four vote.

The city is looking to build a warren style bridge, popular in the nineteenth century to preserve the historical integrity of the area.

Staff have been asked to save the existing bridge, built in 1942 for preservation.