A New Hamburg family was forced to drive home from Rideau River Park in the middle of the night after they say a park ranger accused them of being unruly.
The family drove six hours to get back home after they were kicked out on Friday.
But they say they didn't deserve it.
"We were all extremely angry because we planned this trip since February," says the mother, Nicole Willfang.
They got a warning to keep their voices down on Tuesday night by one park ranger.
But on Thursday, a different ranger came to their site and that's when they say they were told to leave for being too loud.
"It was not loud voices. It was not yelling. We were just having a normal conversation," Willfang says.
The next day, the father of Willfang's boyfriend got a $180 ticket for the confrontation the night before.
The ticket says it was because of abusive language.
"He was very rude to us. He told us there were other parks in the area we could have gone to instead of going to Rideau. And he told us not to come back either," says Willfang.
The family pointed to online reviews about the park where people raised similar concerns dealing with rude and unfair treatment involving noise complaints.
But others say the park is pretty fair.
"To get kicked out you'd have to do a lot I'd think," says Mike Kilmartin, who got in trouble for being rowdy at 1 a.m. and got away with only a warning.
Park officials did not comment on the incident, but they alluded to their code of conduct.
"No person shall use discriminatory, harassing, abusive or insulting language or gestures or make excessive noise or disturb other persons while in a conservation reserve," it reads in part.
The couple was refunded for Saturday night's stay, but Willfang says the unfair treatment deserves a refund for Friday or even the whole week.