CAMBRIDGE - The City of Cambridge is taking new steps towards a long awaited multi-use recreation complex.
Council voted unanimously Tuesday evening to apply for federal and provincial grants solely for the new complex, over asking for the funds to repair old arenas.
"I would much rather see us put in application for a big ticket item and get as much as we can to alleviate the cost to the tax payer," said Cambridge City Councillor Mike Mann.
The Preston Auditorium was also up for consideration, but council felt if they put both proposals forward, the upper levels of government would chose the cheaper option.
According to Mann, the grant for the $52 million rec complex would bring in more money to the city.
"I want to get as much as I can for the community, the money is there, it's being offered and I want to get as much as I can for the community," said Mann.
But council is reassuring residents that the ice space dilemma is under control.
“The people of Preston are still going to have their arenas, that’s not affected by this application,” said Cambridge City Councillor Jan Liggett.
It is still unclear what the recreation complex will look like when it's done, but if other plans fall through to build two new ice-pads, the city may reintroduce a twin pad at the recreation complex.
If the grant is approved by the government, the city could receive up to $26 million.