For the second year in a row, Brantford General Hospital has been found to have the lowest mortality rate of any hospital in Canada.

According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, BGH finished 2013/14 with a score of 63 in the Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratio (HSMR), which looks at how many deaths would be expected based on the hospital’s case load and how many deaths were actually experienced.

Lower scores means fewer deaths, and the Brantford facility’s score of 63 finished tied with Toronto East General Hospital for the lowest tally in the country.

Ontario’s hospitals averaged 84, and Canada’s 85. A score of 100 means the hospital saw as many deaths as expected.

“I am thrilled that our hospital has achieved this standing within all of Canada,” Brant County Healthcare System president Jim Hornell said in a media release.

“Here is a recognized national authority telling us that we are clearly and consistently achieving a level of safety that is remarkable.”

In 2012-13, Brantford General Hospital’s HSMR stood at 67.

All local hospitals saw their HSMR scores improve from the previous year, with Grand River Hospital experiencing the most significant improvement – from 82 to 72.

Guelph General Hospital was rated at 76 and St. Mary’s General Hospital at 79.