GUELPH -- Four baby raccoons brought to the Guelph Humane Society were reunited with their mother.

The four kits were brought to the animal shelter late last week, but staff didn't believe they were orphaned, the Humane Society said on Twitter.

"Their tummies were full, indicating their mother was nearby," the tweet reads.

Baby Raccoon 2

Members of the Animal Services team provided fluids to the nursery of raccoons before bringing them to the site where they were found.

The cubs were returned at dusk while hungry so their cries would catch the mother's attention.

"We are happy to report the raccoon babies were successfully reunited with their mother, which is the best possible outcome," the Humane Society said.

It's not the first time staff at the Humane Society have reunited baby animals with their parents.

Early May, Humane Society officers successfully reunited a litter of neonatal chipmunks with their mother, spokesperson Natalie Thomas said.

The mother was spotted looking for her babies around the area they were found, so officers returned the kits and the family was reunited, Thomas explained.

Baby chipmunks

Two weeks ago, the Humane Society successfully reunited two goslings with an entirely new family, with the older geese adopting the two baby birds into their brood.

Canada Geese have been known to take in goslings even if they aren't their own.

Baby goslings

It is not uncommon for many wildlife, including rabbits, raccoons and deer, to leave their babies unattended for long periods of time.

Residents are urged to call a local humane society for advice before interacting with or moving baby animals, Thomson said.

"Because wildlife raise their young much differently than we do as humans, baby animals are often mistakenly identified as orphans and taken from their families by well-meaning rescuers," she said. "Just because babies are alone, it does not always mean they are orphaned."

The Humane Society says they assess all baby animals brought in and their first goal is always to reunite babies with their mothers whenever possible.


  • If you know baby animals are orphaned because you saw the mother get killed (such as a goose or rabbit hit by a car), call your local humane society
  • If the baby animal is injured, call your local humane society
  • If you find some baby animals and are not sure if they are orphaned or not, call your local humane society before you attempt to move them