Guelph city councillors have voted to renovate the downtown police headquarters at a cost of 34 million dollars, but there was a lot of debate about the project.

Eight councillors voted in favour of the renovations, but four councillors voted against it.

13.6 million dollars had already been approved for the new building, but a consultant report from KPMG said it would cost 34 million.

The additional money will come from development charges. The money will be financed over a ten year period.

“What I continue to have an issue with is the issue of financial accountability. 34 million is a significant amount of money” said councillor Gloria Kovac, who voted against the motion.

The main police building is 60 years old. There was an addition added 24 years ago. The roof needs work, and there are some health and safety concerns with the building as well.

“The police building has some deficits at the moment that cannot last for very long, so if the project is delayed to any reasonable extent you will have to proceed with some of those items as separate stand-alone items” said Brian Bourns of KPMG.

“The longer you wait, the more it will cost, that’s almost certain” Bourns added.

They are hoping to start work on the renovations in the spring.